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About Me

Hello all, my name is Luke! I am an Environmental Engineering major with a Sustainability focus at the University of New Hampshire. I have lived on Candlewood Lake for almost my entire life, and in its moment of peril, I hope to be able to save its ecosystem and health. 

For this project, I will be working with Dr. Theodora Pinou of Western Connecticut State University (Westconn), Larry Marsicano of the Candlewood Lake Authority (CLA), and Emily Van Vlack, a student from Boston University. In June of 2015, 3,816 triploid grass carp (TGC) were released into Candlewood Lake from 9 different release points. Later in 2016, 48 TGC were released into the lake to begin a study on their behavior.  These fish had radio transmitters surgically attached to them, each with its own frequency when used conjointly with a radio receiver. Doing this, we can track the locations of the 48 fish throughout the lake. In addition to the 48 fish in the lake, 2 tagged carp were released into Gary's Pond, to serve as a control for the experiment. By tracking the carp,  we can measure the fidelity of the carp, which in turn can determine if the carp are doing their job or not. 

The Project

Why Does This Matter?

Eurasian Milfoil is an invasive aquatic plant species originating from Eurasia, hence the name. When introduced to bodies of water such as Candlewood Lake, however, it can very easily overcrowd the native plant species, pushing them to the brink of elimination. Eurasian Milfoil is a large part of the carp's diet, meaning the addition of these fish will hopefully reduce the amount of milfoil growing in the lake. Measuring the fidelity is a good estimator of the carp's effectiveness. If one carp is staying in the same vicinity, this indicates that the carp are eating the milfoil, and proving their effectiveness. In addition, there is no risk the carp upsetting the lake's ecosystem. All of the carps are male and sterile, meaning it is impossible for them to reproduce. Therefore, it is impossible for their population to get out of control and do more harm than good to the lake. 

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Using the RadIO receiver

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